'Life worth living' but live not worth attending. This was a very low key gig. Very few people in the audience. The majority were young adults in their early twenties. The supporting artist was Billie. She seems like a sweet girl. There were some technical issues with the sound so she had to start a bit later than planned. She has a nice voice. I wouldn't say she has a voice that is magnificent but there is definitely something there to work with. It got me thinking, there are so many young talented artists. What makes them stand out? I think I concluded it's down to luck. It doesn't only take talent - although that is important - but it's down to luck. Who you will encounter along your pathway, who will help you, who will hinder you, who will deceive you and who will be true to you. Billie sang her songs, no more than five songs or at least it felt as much. One of those was 'Him'. To be honest, I don't think I would be interested to hear her again live unless she writes catchy songs. |
After those five songs, the stage was empty again. We waited for a bit - and the crowd became less! No more than 15 people. This is because apparently a group of people were Billie's friends and they left when she was done. This wasn't a nice touch from Billie the artist part. I don't know if she had to go someplace afterwards but it would have been collegiate to stay through Laurel's gig too. I say this, because at the same venue last year I saw Misty Miller support her opening act. She was there on the front row encouraging them. It was very noble on her part and I think all artists should do the same.
Anyhow, Laurel came on the stage and sang a few songs. None of them memorable! I did notice most of her songs has the word 'fuck' in it and as a person who tries to avoid to swear I though she should have been more creative with her lyrics. Let us not forget Bob Dylan earned a Nobel in literature because of his lyrics. It's art, it should convey feelings - and ok, sometimes the word 'fuck' is appropriate but I'm pretty sure she could have been more eloquent.
As I type, I'm trying to think about whether I can think of one single song she sang to look it up on youtube and post it here. It's quite difficult other that the first song. Oh yes, she has one called 'San Francisco'. When she said 'The next song is called San Francisco' the first thing that came to mind was 'If you're going to San Francisco please be sure to wear some flowers in your hair'. So you can imagine how distasteful I found her lyrics of the city 'Baby's gone to San Francisco I don't really cry but I fucking miss him, it seems my love has become like deeper like, deeper like, deeper for you'.
I know I'm old school, I acknowledge that. But that's far from what lyrics need to be. And again I acknowledge, this is only my opinion. Like you, like you, like you know what I mean.
The night ended short. The gig was over by 9:30pm and I was home and in bed by 10:30pm.
If you are interested to find out more about Laurel, here are her social media links:
Website Twitter Facebook